Create Awareness of Feminine Power
We aim to use Mohiniyattam as a powerful medium to address and spread awareness about issues related to the mind-body connect, femininity, social justice, wellness, gender equity, and its projection in the media and popular culture.
Bhanushinghere Padavali
The role of Indian Classical dance, especially a form like Mohiniyattam in Education is significant. At the very outset, it is not only a great repository of our ancient and rich art & heritage but also epitomizes our spiritual traditions which are timeless and invaluable. In an age, when “education” is perceived as merely earning degrees or more precisely learning the means to earn a living, the overall development of an individual is ironically ignored. This has led to great imbalance and proved to be an impediment in the evolution of society, where education has come to be understood in very narrow terms. There is an urgent need for the concept of education to be approached and understood in a far more broader perspective, where, it is not just educational qualifications that count but, the mind-body relation, which is the only way to ensure stable and wholesome growth of individuals and society.
While dance contributes significantly to physical well-being, creativity, is healing and even therapeutic, it is also a powerful artistic medium for communicating the human experience in terms of inner feelings and emotions. Which in turn develops self-confidence and self-esteem. It is a form of worship or rather meditation, through which a dancer communicates with Divinity. And therefore, it is a form of Yoga, which involves ‘Sadhna’ i.e. when a dancer is continuously dedicated to her training.
It is therefore obvious that education in aesthetics is as essential if not more than mere intellectual or physical education. Man can never be complete or balanced unless his emotions are acknowledged, expressed and subsequently sublimated. And herein comes the need for introducing and sustaining art in our educational curriculum as a compulsory subject. And to recognise Indian Classical Dance as one of the highest forms of art, that nurtures the aesthetic, spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional dimensions of a human being.
The true objective of education should be to develop human personality in all its aspects. Any over emphasis on a particular aspect to the neglect of another may lead to a kind of lop-sided development which in the long run may do more harm than good.